The Leighton Middle Uniform Policy states the uniform colours are grey, green and black. The uniform includes a grey knitted jumper or cardigan embroidered with the school logo and a tie. Wear2School is proud to be able to provide both branded items and unbranded generic items.
Leighton Middle School is a middle school for ages 9-13 and is located in the town centre off Church Square.

Girls Uniform
- Grey V-neck knitted jumper or cardigan embroidered with the school logo
- White blouse or shirt
- School tie
- Black tailored trousers or knee-length skirt
- Black, white or grey socks (short or knee-length)
- Black sensible flat shoes
- Optional summer uniform: white polo with bottle green trim and black tailored shorts/skirt/trousers

Boys Uniform
- Grey V-neck knitted jumper or cardigan embroidered with school logo
- White shirt
- School tie
- Black tailored trousers
- Grey, black or white socks
- Black sensible shoes
- Optional summer uniform: White polo shirt with bottle green trim and black tailored shorts

PE kit
- Emerald green polo shirt
- Black shadow stripe shorts
- Optional black and green fleece/rugby shirt
- Black jogging bottoms for winter
- Emerald football socks
- Shin pads and gumshield
- Trainers/football boots as appropriate
- Swimwear as appropriate