The Heathwood Uniform Policy states the uniform colours are purple and grey. The day uniform includes a purple jumper or cardigan embroidered with the school logo and the PE uniform includes a purple polo shirt embroidered with the school logo. Other uniform items are not school specific. Wear2School is proud to be able to provide both branded items and unbranded generic items.
Heathwood Lower School is a community school located on Heath Road in Leighton Buzzard. It was built in 1967 and gained special provision for children with speech and language difficulties in the 1990’s.

Girls Uniform
- Purple bookbag embroidered with the school logo
- Purple knitted jumper or cardigan embroidered with the school logo
- Collared blouse or shirt (Reception children wear a white polo shirt)
- School tie
- Grey pinafore, skirt, trousers or shorts
- Grey, Black or white socks or tights
- Black sensible shoes (no boots, trainers, dolly shoes or heels)
- Optional summer uniform: purple and white summer dress or polo shirt with no tie.

Boys Uniform
- Purple bookbag embroidered with the school logo
- Purple knitted jumper or cardigan embroidered with the school logo
- collared shirt (Reception children wear a white polo shirt and no tie)
- School tie
- Grey trousers or shorts
- Grey or black socks
- Black sensible shoes (no trainers or boots)
- Optional summer uniform: Polo shirt with no tie

PE kit
- Purple polo shirt with school logo
- Black shadow stripe shorts
- Black jogging bottoms
- Black or purple sweatshirt (no hood)
- Trainers
- Swimming costume for years 3 and 4